Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Whenever I feel the stench, I learn not to be the rotten apple!

Environments, organizations, or businesses: Painstaking effort is the most common constructive factor among all the three and the equally common destructive factors are the effortless acts of foolishness.

Long, sustained periods of dedicated enterprise pummel businesses to great heights.. This cumulative greatness is often undone by a single act of stupidity.

Companies, societies, and nations spring to life - not before they consume sacrifices of blood, sweat, tears, and other lively fluids in the scale of lives and times... These organizations are, in essence, a physical realization of human ideas or dreams. The more physical the realization, the greater would be the amount of bodily dissolution to achieve the mind's ideals... Organizational stature, when measured, exposes that the height of the zenith is always directly proportional to the number of casualties and the roughness of difficult edges on the way up.
Even organizations with an epochal history of oceanic abundance are often instantly desertified with a single, dry storm of indifference.

The natural world is no different ...In fact, the story of struggles takes a whole new dimension in the world of nature..
Intercontinental flights become necessary to find a small nesting patch. Only trans-polar voyages save some floating bodies from drowning. A strict lifelong bondage in a promiscuously distracting world of colors is often needed to reproduce life in several species.. Hunting, for several species, is the only way to be saved from being hunted

What more could be stated, where organisms are forced to perform miraculous feats to just continue a normal life...

Why? even, we the ever-learning ‘humans’ come into existence only after putting our mother’s life through a series of body-tormenting and mind-numbing changes – We nourish ourselves into ‘humane’ existence only through devouring the mother body’s cells.
An eternal struggle is essential for the worthy moments of life.

However, a single moment of carelessness -- a single wrong move, a single wrong turn and the very lively world becomes death for the living beings

The difficult constructive efforts and easy destruction is all too obvious from the above complex objects of study. However, we often tend to forget all the great difficulties that go behind bringing about even that simple-looking basket of healthy apples:
  • The toil of farmers; the burden-bearing beasts
  • The several agricultural implements and the industries that churn those implements out
  • Craft that goes into carefully manicured orchards and weaving the baskets
  • The scientific research that fuels the industries and the business efforts which fund the research
  • Continuous innovations of the human mind perhaps as old as humanity itself
  • Timely agricultural processes with prescribed measures
  • Conducive combination of weather, water, and other growth factors
  • Fertile soil formed by timeless attack of the seasons on earth

Even the simple apple tree only bears fruit after a fair share of such damaging labor has been achieved…And, all it takes to spoil a basket-full of apples is just a single rotten apple…

Personally, this symbolic world of apples had always evoked a chain of emotional responses in my taught-to-be-tough mind..

Yes, I feel uneasy with the rotten sight and stench of the spoilt apples. Prolonged uneasiness causes disgust. The disgust makes me weary of the harm they stand to cause. The fact that the rotten apples so easily undo all the great, difficult work that would've gone into making the other apples healthy causes a feeling of hatred. The awareness of the good enterprise gone into making apples healthy perhaps intensifies this hatred. The vulnerability of the other apples also evokes a protective zeal. The protective zeal turns into possessive relativity. The sympathetic relativity leads to a feeling of healing the wounded. This feeling causes a realization that my hatred was only towards the state of 'rottenness' and not the apples which are rotten. This realization also evokes a feeling of gratitude for being blessed with ability to discern. The awareness of this ability grows to assumptive proportions of I being the best apple of the lot.. This best-equipped assumption leads to an authoritative right to fight the rot. The assumed authority also brings along justification. The justification reiterates to fight against rottenness and not against health of the apple. Again, a thought-play ensues showing how the rot spread to the healthy when the healthy apple tried to be in between the rot and the health. After this rot-spreading thought, a feeling of paranoia takes over. This self-rot paranoia takes away the zeal. The zeal-devoid vacuum causes wrinkling introspection and a moral obligation to 'not spread the rot.' This wrinkling causes the skins to thicken up.

No Healing and no protection; the mind's apple loses all its sweetness when its thinking becomes rigid and the mind-skin shuts off all the outer-air of thoughts.

Surely, the rot could be quicker in action than the hard labor causing sweet health.

After being imprisoned in such thought-chains , I can only resort to one liberating statement of learning:

"Whenever I feel the stench, I learn not to be the rotten apple."

1 comment:

  1. Written on Friday, August 26, 2011 and initially posted at 3:48am
